AITA for telling a mom that I don't care about her daughter being dumped by my son?

AITA for telling a mom that I don’t care about her daughter being dumped by my son?

My son Dylan has dated “Melanie” since the 10th grade. They are now juniors. Dylan dumped her last week and Melanie took it hard. I got a text yesterday from Melanie’s mom to call her. She wanted me to bring back Melanie’s sweater that she left at our house a couple of weeks ago. I said sure.

I told her she could pick it up. The mom came and said that I should talk to Dylan about how much he hurt Melanie. Melanie was very attached to my son and my son broke up with her in the “wrong way.”

I told her I wasn’t talking to my son about anything. They’re high schoolers and stuff like this happens all the time and Melanie isn’t special. My son doesn’t owe you or Melanie an apology for not wanting to date her anymore.

Dylan wasn’t mean about it. He just said that he didn’t want to be in a relationship because he wanted to spend more time with his friends. The mom said that was bs. I said I don’t care. He doesn’t need a reason. It’s none of your business.

She asked me if I cared about how my son treated his girlfriends. I said do you care how your daughter treat their boyfriends? She said it was different. I told her I had nothing left to say except I don’t care about her or her daughter.

Edit: Not that it matters, but I’m not the mom.

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

My son’s ex girlfriend’s mom was mad that my son dumped her and was fishing for an apology. I shut her down and told her that I couldn’t care about their breakup or about her of her daughter because no owes them anything,


yeah, I had the same thought. It’s possible the other mom is going full over-protective, ridiculous mode. It’s also possible this mom here thinks her son can do no wrong and isn’t interested in how he treats others. Having seen the dating pool, there seem to be a lot of moms like that out there.


OP sounds like a jerk who us raising another jerk. Of course the son has a right to break up with his girlfriend, and he doesn’t have to give a reason she finds good enough. That doesn’t mean his parents shouldn’t be teaching him to be considerate. Maybe the other mother is being overprotective, but going from this post I grind it very easy to believe OP has raised an inconsiderate kid.


Yeah I can’t imagine telling a woman whose kid my kid had been dating for a full year that “I don’t care about your daughter.” I’d be thinking holy shit she dodged a bullet.

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