AITA for going no contact with my MIL

AITA for going no contact with my MIL….r/TwoHotTakes

I read this story on Reddit about a young couple in their early 20s who faced major conflict with the husband’s mother, leading them to go no contact with her. They had been dating for six years before tying the knot, and the wife believed she had a good relationship with her mother-in-law (MIL). She even invited her MIL to her wedding dress fitting, which seemed like a heartfelt bonding moment.

Source : Reddit

However, five months before the wedding, things started to change. The MIL became critical of their choices, offering unsolicited opinions about where they went and who they spent time with. Initially, the wedding was supposed to take place at her MIL’s house. The couple spent time helping her prepare, including clearing out the house. But one day, after a long day of helping, they left briefly to do their weekly grocery shopping and tend to their dog. This triggered an outburst from the MIL, who yelled at the wife, saying there were “seven days in a week to go shopping” and they didn’t need to do it that day. A heated argument ensued.

Following this incident, the couple decided to change the wedding venue. They informed the MIL via text, as she had previously stated she was more comfortable communicating about wedding plans that way. Despite trying to respect her preference, the MIL did not take the venue change well and accused them of being overdramatic.

Source : Reddit

At the wedding, the MIL’s behavior was cold and disruptive. She sat through the ceremony wearing sunglasses, facing away from the couple, and later cried repeatedly during the reception. At one point, she stood on the dance floor, telling guests that her son was in a toxic relationship and that the marriage wouldn’t last a year.

After the wedding, the husband and wife decided to go no contact with the MIL to protect their peace and well-being. The husband sent his mother a long text explaining how her actions had hurt him, but she refused to acknowledge her behavior and continued to send him messages claiming she didn’t understand what she did wrong.

Source : Reddit

The wife felt guilty, worrying she was the reason her husband cut ties with his mother. However, her husband reassured her that going no contact was his decision as well and that it was necessary to set boundaries.

NTA. It seems your life would be a lot more peaceful.

Source : Reddit

NTA. It’s nobody’s fault but hers. You did nothing wrong, and now she’s acting like the ignorant innocent child. She knows exactly what she did. She just doesn’t want to be called out on her b.s. She earned the NC. If someone, doesn’t matter who it is, is awful to you and unsupportive in your life, you are under no obligation to keep them in your life. Life’s too short to indulge people in their b.s.

It’s clear this couple is prioritizing their mental health and happiness, and many people applauded their choice to set firm boundaries.

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