AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister’s Kids After She Called Me An “Unreliable C*nt”?

Last weekend my relationship with my sister reached a breaking point. I’m a 20-year-old college student living at home to save money and my older sister Sarah (27F) has two young kids a 3-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl.

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?
Source: Reddit

Sarah works full-time as a single mom and often asks me to step in as a babysitter when her daycare falls through or she has errands to run.

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?
Source: Reddit

I love my niece and nephew. They’re sweet kids but babysitting them is no small task. Between juggling my classes a part-time job and maintaining some semblance of a social life my schedule is already stretched thin. Still I’ve been helping Sarah out for over a year often without any compensation because I know she’s doing her best to provide for her kids.

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?
Source: Reddit

Last Saturday morning Sarah called and asked if I could watch the kids for the day because her babysitter had canceled. Unfortunately I already had plans with friends that I’d been looking forward to for weeks. When I told her I couldn’t help she became furious accusing me of being selfish and saying I should step up because family helps family.

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?
Source: Reddit

The argument escalated and she hurled an insult that crossed the line. I reminded her that I’m not the parent here and that I already help her whenever I can. She kept yelling so I ended the call.

After that I decided I’d had enough. I told Sarah I wouldn’t babysit anymore and that she needed to sort out her childcare arrangements without relying on me as her backup plan. This decision didn’t sit well with my parents who think I’m being petty and should be the bigger person. Sarah later sent me a long text about how hard her life is how much she depends on me and how I’m setting a bad example for her kids by teaching them they can’t count on their uncle.

I know she’s under a lot of stress and I feel for her but I also feel taken for granted. I’ve always been willing to help but there’s a limit to how much I can give especially when my own boundaries aren’t being respected.

Here’s what others have had to say.

One person noted “You’re not her built-in childcare and it’s okay to say no. If she called you unreliable she shouldn’t be surprised when you stop helping.”

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?
Source: Reddit

Another said “She told you you’re selfish and unreliable so now she’s learning what it looks like when you stop going above and beyond for her.”

AITA for Refusing to Babysit My Sister's Kids After She Called Me An "Unreliable C*nt"?
Source: Reddit

This situation has made me reflect on the importance of setting boundaries. I care about my family but I also believe respect goes both ways. It’s not selfish to prioritize my time and energy when they’re already in short supply.

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