Last night, I (28, F) went to dinner with a close friend and decided to leave my wallet at home. She has a habit of “forgetting” hers when we go out, leaving me to foot the bill. I thought this time, if she conveniently forgot again, it might finally push her to take responsibility. I felt like I was being taken advantage of and I was completely fed up.
As expected, when the check came, she patted her pockets, rummaged through her purse, and said, “Oh my God! I forgot my wallet! Where the hell is it?!” It’s the same song and dance every time. I simply responded, “Me too.” It was really awkward. She looked at me with the most disgusted expression I have ever seen, but then I could tell she started to panic.
She was upset with me for “putting her on the spot,” but I was frustrated by her repeated behavior. She told me I was a horrible person for publicly humiliating her. I didn’t think it was fair to keep covering for her without saying anything. She was able to use Apple Pay, thankfully, and I could tell she was embarrassed.
So, AITAH for leaving my wallet behind to make a point? Or was it a necessary step to address an ongoing problem without confrontation?
If you don’t have anything polite or productive to say then please keep scrolling. I’m autistic and have been very confused by this whole situation with this person I thought was my friend. I thought it would be a good idea to get some opinions from other people, but I feel like I’m being made out to be a complete idiot. Also, stop sending me DM’s telling me that I’m a “stupid bitch.” For those of you that have taken the time to comment and done so in a polite manner, I thank you.
NTA, but why are you friends with her? If she had the ability to pay a different way, then why didn’t she use it all those other times?
My bet is that she’s hounding you to pay her back since she covered the bill. Are you pointing to the times you covered her as recompense?
I think if possible, you could have gotten the wallet for her before hand. I know someone who had this happen except it was their sibling and they knew this would happen so they brought said sibling’s wallet so they could pay. I know it seems odd but you gotta admit it’s kind of funny