So, this past weekend was my younger sister’s big wedding day, which was a massive affair with over 200 guests at a fancy venue. I’m 38 weeks pregnant, but my doctor gave me the green light to attend as long as I didn’t overdo it and stayed close to home.
Everything was going smoothly until, during the reception, I started getting these cramps. I thought they were just Braxton Hicks, so I tried to brush them off. But then they got worse, and I began bleeding. My husband and I quickly left for the hospital, and it turned out I needed an emergency C-section. Thankfully, our son is healthy and all is well.
Here’s where the drama kicks in: My sister is mad at me for “ruining her day.” Apparently, a bunch of family members, including our parents, left the wedding to check on me at the hospital. She thinks I should have held off going to the hospital until after the wedding or at least kept quiet about it until the next day to keep the spotlight on her.
I apologized for the unfortunate timing, but I stressed that this was an emergency; it’s not like I could schedule it. My parents support me, but some of her friends and a few relatives think I was selfish and should have managed it differently.
My sister hasn’t spoken to me since, and I’m left wondering if I’m actually in the wrong here. AITA for going to the hospital during her wedding?
Edit for clarification: I went to the wedding because my doctor said it was okay given no prior complications, and the hospital was just 20 minutes away. There was no way to predict this would happen.
People said “How are you and the baby? I’m happy your parents shared concern for your health. P.S. – NTA.”
“NTA ask her what she would’ve preferred – how you left or waiting until it was too late putting you and baby in danger, requiring an ambulance showing up at her reception? Tell her friends and relatives this as well. An emergency C-section is performed only when mom or baby are in danger; I know this because I had one.”