AITA for taking everything that’s mine when my roommate asked me to move out?

AITA for taking everything that’s mine when my roommate asked me to move out?

My (21M) roommate (21F) and I moved into an apartment together about 5 months ago. We’re friends, and she was the one who found the place and put me on the lease to sign. I was nothing but respectful as a roommate. We split chores, I did my dishes, and there wasn’t any tension between

AITA for taking everything that’s mine when my roommate asked me to move out? Read More »

AITA for dropping my 6 children under 5yo unanounced at my child-free sister's house during her vacations "post surgery"

AITA for dropping my 6 children under 5 years unannounced at my child-free sister’s house during her vacations “post surgery.”

I (30F) have 6 children: Azhlynne (0 months F), Jrubertux (9 months M), Jhakxon (9 months M), Rauxsmaree (42 months F), Ass-ton (51 months M), and Frog (58 months NB), so you can imagine I’m usually pretty busy and therefore tired. My sister (22F) is single and childless by choice. She always makes excuses like

AITA for dropping my 6 children under 5 years unannounced at my child-free sister’s house during her vacations “post surgery.” Read More »

AITA for asking to stay one more hour at my mom’ss on Christmas from my dad?

Hey everyone so for a bit of context,, I (18F) have level 2 autism and don’t really handle being yelled at particularlywell,l plus I tend to avoid conflict. This also happens every Christmas except forthe lastt one where he got COVID. My parents (53F & 51M) are also divorced and have been divorced since I

AITA for asking to stay one more hour at my mom’ss on Christmas from my dad? Read More »

AITA for Leaving My Partner at Home Because His OCD Made Me Late to a Dinner Party at a Restaurant?

AITA for Leaving My Partner at Home Because His OCD Made Me Late to a Dinner Party at a Restaurant?

My partner’s OCD has been progressively worsening over the past year and it’s starting to impact every aspect of our lives. Before we leave the house he has a meticulous routine of physical and mental checks ensuring everything is in its place and running through internal reassurances.

AITA for Leaving My Partner at Home Because His OCD Made Me Late to a Dinner Party at a Restaurant? Read More »